Celebrate Krishna Janmashtami with Jaipur Chakki's exclusive Panjiri Offer! Get a premium combination of Coriander Powder, Amul Ghee, and Sugar, along with a free choice of 250g of Kuttu Atta, Rajgira Atta, or Singhara Atta. Enjoy this festive delight at a special discounted price of ₹860, down from ₹1025.
Make your Krishna Janmashtami celebrations even more special
with Jaipur Chakki's carefully curated Panjiri Offer. This bundle is perfect
for preparing the traditional and much-loved Panjiri prasad. The offer
2. Amul Ghee (1lt): Pure and wholesome, this ghee enhances
the taste and adds a divine richness to your prasad.
3. Sugar (1kg): Fine quality sugar, ideal for sweetening
your Panjiri just the way you like it.
4. Free Offer (250g): Choose between Kuttu Atta (Buckwheat
Flour), Rajgira Atta (Amaranth Flour), or Singhara Atta (Water Chestnut Flour)
to add a nutritious twist to your festivities.
Discounted Price: ₹860
You save: ₹
- Coriander Powder: Fresh and aromatic, this coriander
powder is sourced from the best farms to ensure quality and flavor in every
- Amul Ghee: A trusted brand, Amul Ghee is known for its
purity and rich taste, making it an essential ingredient in traditional Indian
- Sugar: High-quality sugar that blends easily, perfect for
sweet dishes.
- Kuttu Atta | Rajgira Atta | Singhara Atta (Free Offer):
Nutritious flours that are often used in fasting recipes, rich in minerals and
### Health Highlights
- Coriander Powder: Known for its digestive benefits, it
also contains antioxidants that promote overall health.
- Amul Ghee: A source of healthy fats, it supports digestion
and provides essential vitamins like A, D, E, and K.
- Kuttu Atta | Rajgira Atta | Singhara Atta:
- Kuttu Atta: High
in fiber, aids in weight management, and controls blood sugar levels.
- Rajgira Atta:
Rich in calcium, iron, and protein, making it a great addition to your diet.
- Singhara Atta:
Known for its cooling properties, it's rich in antioxidants and essential